Monday, 2 December 2013

RFC (Remote Function Call)

RFC is the call of a function module that is running in a different system . It is used to maintain the communication between SAP or NON-SAP system with SAP system.
There are 4 types of RFC present in SAP –
1.Synchronous System :- For direct combination between different system and between SAP system. Both system should be active at that time.
2.Asynchronous System :- For direct combination between different system and for parallel processing of selected task. System can be active or not.
3.Transaction RFC :- The main problem with asynchronous rfc is that when we send data in it, same message can be send one or more time. So removing this type of inconsistency we send an id with that data. With the help of this id receiving of same message more than 1 time will be rejected.
4.Queue RFC :- It is extension of TRFC. That type of RFC maintain a queue. It also ensure that individual steps are processed in the sequence.
5.Background RFC :- It is successor to TRFC and QRFC.

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